Disclosure of audited individual financial statements of "Sirma Group Holding" JSC for the period ending on 31.12.2024.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements of "Sirma Group Holding" JSC for the period ending on 31.12.2024.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements of "Sirma Group Holding" JSC for the period ending on 31.12.2024.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed information on the acquistion of a seperate part of the enterprise "Duo Soft" EOOD.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC held an extraordinary GSM.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed information according to Art.19 of Regulation 596/2014 for the sale of 10,400 shares of "Sirma Group Holding" JSC by a member of the BD Yavor Djonev.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed information according to Art.19 of Regulation 596/2014 for the purchase of 10,000 shares of "Sirma Group Holding" JSC by a member of the BD Atanas Kiryakov.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed information according to Art.19 of Regulation 596/2014 for the sale of 5,200 shares of "Sirma Group Holding" JSC by a member of the BD Yavor Djonev.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed information according to Art.19 of Regulation 596/2014 for the sale of 11,100 shares of "Sirma Group Holding" JSC by a member of the BD Yavor Djonev.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed information according to Art.19 of Regulation 596/2014 for the purchase of 6000 shares of "Sirma Group Holding" JSC by a closely related person to the member of the BD Atanas Kiryakov.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements of "Sirma Group Holding" JSC for the period ending on 30.09.2024.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements of "Sirma Group Holding" JSC for the period ending on 30.09.2024.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed the finalization of the acquisition of the majority stake in the capital of the Romanian IT company Roweb Development SA by Sirma Group Holding JSC.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed information of the registration of the consolidation of daughter companies within Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Sirma Group Holding published the Protocol from the extraordinary GSM held on September 17, 2024.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed information according to Art.19 of Regulation 596/2014 for the purchase of 2.500 shares of "Sirma Group Holding" JSC by a member of the BD Atanas Kiryakov.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed information according to Art.19 of Regulation 596/2014 for the purchase of 6.150 shares of "Sirma Group Holding" JSC by a member of the BD Georgi Marinov.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed information according to Art.19 of Regulation 596/2014 for the sale of 10.000 shares of "Sirma Group Holding" JSC by a member of the BD Tsvetan Alexiev.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements of "Sirma Group Holding" JSC for the period ending on 30.06.2024.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed information about the buy-out of the minortiy shares of the capital of the daughter company "S&G Technology Services LTD, London by "Sirma Solutions" JSC.
Sirma Group Holding published the documents to the invitation for an extraordinary GSM on September 17, 2024.
Sirma Group Holding published an Invitation for an extraordinary GSM on September 17, 2024.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements of "Sirma Group Holding" JSC for the period ending on 30.06.2024.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed the approval by FSC for transformation through a merger of daughter companies in "Sirma Group Holding" JSC.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has published the Procedure for dividend payment for 2023.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed the sale of own shares on the OTC market in Bulgaria.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has published the Minutes from the GSM and the Dividend notification.
Documents from the General Shareholders' Meeting of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed the initiation of a acquisition of of the majority (51%) stake in Romanian IT company RoWeb Development SRL.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed the initiation of a consolidation procedure of daughter companies within "Sirma Group Holding" JSC
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed information about the buy-out of the minortiy shares of the capital of the daughter company "Sirma Business Consulting" JSC by "Sirma Solutions" JSC.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed information about the sale of shares by "Sirma Group Holding" JSC.
Sirma Group Holding JSC published the Invitation for a GMS on June 27,2024.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC has disclosed information about the sale of shares by a closely related company "Sirma Solutions" JSC.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.03.2024.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.03.2024.
Information on the purchase of the minority share of the capital of the daughter company "Sirma Insurtech" JSC by "Sirma Group Holding" JSC.
Disclosure of audited consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.12.2023.
Information on purchase of 700.000 shares by closely associated company Sirma Solutions JSC as per art.19 of Regulation 596/2014.
Information on Strategy for Consolidation of the Activity of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Disclosure of audited individual financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.12.2023.
Disclosure of consolidated interim financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.12.2023.
Disclosure of individual interim financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.12.2023.
Disclosure by Sirma Group Holding of finalization of financial audit under Art. 118, paragraph 2, item 2 of the POSA.
Disclosure by Sirma Group Holding of share buy-back effected by the company for 1,000,000 shares.
Notification by Sirma Group Holding of sale of shares by Yavor Djonev - Member of the BD of the company.
Disclosure of consolidated interim financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 30.09.2023.
Disclosure of individual interim financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 30.09.2023.
Notification by Sirma Group Holding of purchase of shares by Atanas Kiryakov - Member of the BD of the company.
Notification by Sirma Group Holding of purchase of shares by Veselin Kirov - Member of the BD of the company.
Notification by Sirma Group Holding of purchase of shares by Chavdar Dimitrov - Member of the BD of the company.
Notification by Sirma Group Holding of purchase of shares by Georgi Marinov - Chairman of the BD of the company.
Notification by Sirma Group Holding of purchase of shares by Tsvetan Alexiev - Executive director of the company.
Disclosure by Sirma Group Holding of share buy-back effected by the company for 210 000 shares.
Disclosure of consolidated interim financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 30.06.2023.
Disclosure by Sirma Group Holding of share buy-back effected by the company for 30 661 shares.
Disclosure of individual interim financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 30.06.2023.
Sirma Group Holding JSC disclosed information of the purchase of shares by Georgi Marinov - Chairman of the Board of directors of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Sirma Group Holding JSC disclosed information of the purchase of shares by Georgi Marinov - Chairman of the Board of directors of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Disclosure by Sirma Group Holding of share buy-back effected by the company for 6 000 shares.
Disclosure by Sirma Group Holding of share buy-back effected by the company for 50,000 shares.
Publication of the Protocol for changes in the voting results under item 4 of the Agenda in the Minutes of the GSM from June 15, 2023.
Publication of the Minutes from the GSM of Sirma Group Holding JSC on June 15, 2023, Notification for distribution of profit from 2022 and Precedure for dividend payment.
Disclosure of consolidated interim financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.03.2023.
Publication of Invitation for GSM of Sirma Group Holding JSC on June 15, 2023.
Disclosure of individual interim financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.03.2023.
Disclosure of annual audited consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for 2022.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC disclosed information under art.17 of Regulation 596/2014 of the registration of a new daughter company in Sweden.
"Sirma Group Holding" JSC disclosed information under art.17 of Regulation 596/2014 for the full early repayment of all bank investment loans by "Sirma Group Holding" JSC.
Sirma Group Holding JSC disclosed information under art.17 of Regulation 596/2014 for the acquisition of the last 22.2% of shares in the daughter company "Sciant" JSC.
Disclosure of annual audited individual financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for 2022.
Sirma Group Holding JSC disclosed information under art.17 of Regulation 596/2014 for finalization of the sale of shares of Sirma AI by Sirma Solutions.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.12.2022.
Convening of extraordinary General meeting of the shareholders of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Sirma Group Holding JSC disclosed information of the purchase of shares by Georgi Marinov - Chairman of the Board of directors of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Sirma Group Holding JSC disclosed information of the sale of shares by Atanas Kiryakov - member of the Board of directors of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Sirma Group Holding JSC disclosed information of a share buy-back on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange.
Sirma Group Holding JSC published information for dividend payment procedure.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.12.2022.
Convening of the Extraordinary General meeting of the shareholders of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Publication of the Invitation for the Extraordinary General meeting of the shareholders of Sirma Group Holding JSC on 15.02.2022.
Sirma Group Holding JSC has disclosed information about the conclusion of a share purchase agreement to sell the minority stake in the capital of Sirma AI by the daughter company Sirma Solutions JSC.
Sirma Group Holding JSC has disclosed information about the decision to sell the minority stake in the capital of Sirma AI by the daughter company Sirma Solutions JSC.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 30.09.2022.
Publication of the Invitation for the Extraordinary General meeting of the shareholders of Sirma Group Holding JSC on 09.01.2022.
Convening of extraordinary General meeting of the shareholders of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Sirma Group Holding JSC has disclosed information about the notification of an administrative measure by the FSC in regards of the scheduled GMS of Sirma Group Holding JSC on 11.11.2022.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 30.09.2022.
Sirma Group Holding JSC has disclosed information of the acquisition of the Albanian company ReSolutions by the daughter company of Sirma Group Holding JSC - Sciant JSC.
Sirma Group Holding JSC disclosed information of a sale of shares by a related enterprise to a Board member on September 16-th and September 22-nd, 2022.
Sirma Group Holding JSC has published the Invitation for an extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Sirma Group Holding JSC notifies of an acquisition of a commercial enterprise by the daughter company of Sirma Group Holding JSC - Sirma Business Consulting JSC.
Sirma Group Holding JSC disclosed information of purchases of shares by a Board member on September 28th, September 29th and September 30th, 2022.
Sirma Group Holding JSC disclosed information of purchases of shares by a Board member on September 26th and September 27th.
Sirma Group Holding JSC disclosed the finalisation of the sale of shares from the daughter company Sirma AI JSC.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 30.06.2022.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 30.06.2022.
Sirma Group Holding JSC published information for dividend payment.
Sirma Group Holding JSC informs of acquisition of majority stake in TBI Info AD .
Sirma Group Holding JSC informs of an addition to the Agenda of the GMS as per the request of the shareholder Tsvetan Alexiev. Corresponding changes were made to the Invitation and Template of letter of proxy, which may be accessed at our page "Shareholders Meetings.
Sirma Solutions gave a Notification for the sale of 2 906 349 shares of Sirma Group Holding JSC. This sale is part of the transactions leading to the full ownership of the daughter company Sirma Solutions.
Sirma Group Holding JSC gave a Notification for the sale of 499 628 shares of Sirma Group Holding JSC. This sale is part of the transactions leading to the full ownership of the daughter company Sirma Solutions.
Sirma Group Holding JSC informs of an addition to the Agenda of the GMS as per the request of the shareholder Georgi Marinov.
Sirma Group Holding JSC may step into an acquisition of the IT company TBI Info AD.
Sirma Solutions gave a Notification for the purchase of 517 452 shares of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.03.2022.
Sirma Group Holding has provided to the Trade Register the Invitation for the Annual General Meeting of shareholders.
The Board of Directors of Sirma Group Holding approves in principle an offer for the purchase of shares from the daughter company Sirma AI JSC.
The increase of capital of Sirma AI JSC was entered in the Trade Register.
Sirma Solutions gave a Notification for the purchase of 150 000 shares of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Sirma Solutions gave a Notification for the purchase of 150 000 shares of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.03.2022.
Disclosure of audited consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for 2021.
Sirma Solutions gave a Notification for purchase of shares from Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Sirma Solutions gave a Notification for purchase of shares from Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Disclosure of audited individual financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for 2021.
Sirma Solutions gave a Notification for purchase of shares from Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.12.2021.
Sirma Solutions gave a Notification for purchase of shares from Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.12.2021.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 30.09.2021.
Acquisition of IT company Sciant JSC by Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 30.09.2021.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 30.06.2021.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 30.06.2021.
Disclosure of information on the requirements and options of the online GMS of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Disclosure of purchase of shares of Sirma Group Holding JSC by Tsvetan Alexiev - Executive
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.03.2021.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.03.2021.
Disclosure of audited consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.12.2020.
Disclosure of information on purchase of shares by Sirma Solutions JSC.
Disclosure of audited individual financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.12.2020.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.12.2020.
Disclosure of information on a large deposit opened by Sirma Solutions with Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.12.2020.
Disclosure of information on a large deposit opened by Sirma Solutions with Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 30.09.2020.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 30.09.2020.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 30.06.2020.
Disclosure of information on the buy-back of own shares by Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Disclosure of the decision of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Sirma Group Holding JSC on the distribution of profit from 2019 and lack of dividend payments.
General Meeting of the shareholders of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements for the period ending on 30.06.2020.
Shareholders will be able to participate at the General Meeting of Shareholders of Sirma Group Holding, which is scheduled for 16.09.2020, in-person, and online. Here you can find some new possibilities and requirements for participation in the GMS online.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.03.2020.
On 14.08.2020 a Notification for a considerable share of capital was received in Sirma Group Holding JSC, which was then disclosed to the investor community, BSE and FSC.
Republishing of audited annual consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding for 2019 due to technical issues with three files in original disclosure.
Disclosure of extended reporting terms for the interim financial reports of Sirma Group Holding JSC for the period ending on 31.03.2020.
Disclosure of extended reporting terms for the financial reports of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements of Sirma Group Holding for the period ending on 31.03.2020.
Disclosure of individual audited financial statements of Sirma Group Holding for the period ending on 31.12.2019.
Disclosure of extended reporting terms for the financial reports of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Disclosure of extended reporting terms for the individual audited financial reports for 2019 of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Disclosure of real and potential impact of COVID 19 on the activity of the companies within Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Disclosure of consolidated interim financial statements of Sirma Group Holding for the period ending on 31.12.2019.
Disclosure of individual interim financial statements of Sirma Group Holding for the period ending on 31.12.2019.
Disclosure of repo contracts with shares concluded by the members of the Board of Directors of Sirma Group Holding Atanas Kiryakov and Georgi Marinov.
Disclosure of consolidated interim financial statements of Sirma Group Holding for the period ending on 30.09.2019.
Disclosure of individual interim financial statements of Sirma Group Holding for the period ending on 30.09.2019.
Disclosure of a concluded contract between Sirma Solutions and the National Health Insurance Fund.
Disclosure of consolidated interim financial statements of Sirma Group Holding for the period ending on 30.06.2019.
Disclosure of a concluded contract with the investment bank Corum Group International.
An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of Sirma Group Holding - review the Minutes from the EGMS.
Disclosure of individual interim financial statements of Sirma Group Holding for the period ending on 30.06.2019.
Publication of the the Invitation for the Extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of Sirma Group Holding, which is scheduled for 26.08.2019, the Agenda for the meeting, the proposed resolutions and the relevant documents for the meeting.
Disclosure of register of changes to the Board of Directors in the Trade Register and dismissal of the members Mr. Tsvetomir Doskov and Mrs. Sasha Bezuhanova from the BD.
The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of a reduction to the Agenda due to a Resolution of the Financial Supervision Commission and publication of the final draft of the updated Agenda for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders scheduled for 19.06.2019.
Disclosure of additional items made by Veselin Kirov and the new updated extnded Agenda for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements of Sirma Group Holding for the period ending on 31.03.2019.
Publication of the Invitation for GMS of Sirma Group Holding together with the documents for the meeting.
Disclosure of the audited annual consolidated financial statements for 2018.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements for the period ending on 31.03.2019.
Disclosure of audited annual individual financial statements for 2018.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements for the period ending on 31.12.2018.
Invitation for the return of unutilized proceeds from the public offering as per art.89, par.4 of POSA.
Notification about the end of the public offering and the results achieved.
Last date for the subscription of shares in the new issue of Sirma Group Holding JSC by the holders of rights.
Prolongation of the public offering for the subscription of shares in the new issue of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Date of the auction of unused rights for participation in the capital increase of Sirma Group Holding JSC on the floor of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange - Sofia AD.
Disclosure of internal information for the sale of rights for the capital increase of Sirma Group Holding by the Member of the Board of Directors Chavdar Dimitrov.
Disclosure of internal information for the sale of rights for the capital increase of Sirma Group Holding by the Chairman of the Board of Directors Georgi Marinov.
Disclosure of internal information for the sale of rights for the capital increase of Sirma Group Holding by the member of the Board of Directors Atanas Kiryakov.
Disclosure of internal information for the purchase of Sirma Group Holding shares by the member of the Board of Directors Atanas Kiryakov.
Last date for the transfer of rights for participation in the capital increase of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Last date for the trading of rights for participation in the capital increase of Sirma Group Holding JSC on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange AD.
Disclosure of internal information for the purchase of Sirma Group Holding shares by the member of the Board of Directors Atanas Kiryakov.
The first date for the subscription of shares from the new issue of Sirma Group Holding JSC by the holders of rights.
The first date for trading with rights for the participation in the capital increase of Sirma Group Holding JSC on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange - Sofia AD.
Webinar for presenting the new public offering for the capital increase of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Last day for trading with shares of Sirma Group Holding, baring rights to participation in the capital increase.
Notification by the Bulgarian Stock Exchange for the capital increase of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Publication of the communication for the public offering of Sirma Group Holding as per Art.92а of POSA and approved by FSC Prospectus for capital increase of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of internal information for the decision to purchase shares in the daughter company Sirma Enterprise Systems. Following the purchase, Sirma Group Holding will be the sole owner of SES.
Disclosure of internal information for the registration of a new daughter company of Sirma Group Holding JSC - Sirma CI JSC.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements for the period ending on 30.06.2018 of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements for the period ending on 30.06.2018 of Sirma Group Holding.
Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of Sirma Group Holding. Access the documents for the meeting.
Disclosure of internal information for the confirmation of the Prospectus for capital increase of Sirma Group Holding by the Financial Supervision Commission.
Disclosure of internal information for the purchase of Sirma Group Holding shares by CEO Tsvetan Alexiev.
Webinar of Sirma Group Holding. You may watch the live video streaming from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM EEST and take part with your questions.
Disclosure of internal information for the purchase of Sirma Group Holding shares by the Chairman of the Board of Directors Georgi Marinov.
Disclosure of internal information for the purchase of Sirma Group Holding shares by the member of the Board of Directors Atanas Kiryakov.
Disclosure of internal information for the purchase of Sirma Group Holding shares by CEO Tsvetan Alexiev.
Disclosure of interim consolidatd financial statements for the period ending on 31.03.2018 of Sirma Group Holding.
Publication of the Invitation for GMS of Sirma Group Holding in the Trade Register.
Disclosure of internal information of the publication of the Protocol from the extraordinary GMS of Sirma Enterprise Systems and decision for buy-back of shares.
Disclosure of internal information for deposit of the Prospectus for equity increase of Sirma Group Holding at FSC for approval.
Disclosure of internal information on merger of daughter companies in the USA of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of internal information on desision for capital increase of the BD of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of Invitation and accompanying documents for the convening of the annual General meeting of shareholders of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements for the period ending on 31.03.2018 of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of audited consolidatd financial statements for the period ending on 31.12.2017 of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of the audited individual annual financial statements for the period ending on 31.12.2017 of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of internal information for the purchase of shares by Atanas Kiryakov.
Disclosure of internal information for share transfer of Sirma Software Inc.
Disclosure of internal informaion for the incorporation of a new company Sirma Group Inc.
Disclosure of internal information for the purchase of shares of Ontotext by Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of quarterly interim consolidated financial statements for the period ending on 31.12.2017 of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of consolidated forecast financial results for 2017 of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of the updated Strategy of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements for the period ending on 31.12.2017 of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of internal information for a bank credit contract concluded by Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of internal information on the shareholder structure of Sirma Group Holding as at 31.12.2017.
Disclosure of internal information of buy-back of 38.220 shares effected by Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of internal information of buy-back of 1.580 shares effected by Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of internal information of buy-back of 111.350 shares effected by Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of internal information of buy-back of 6.904 shares effected by Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of interim consolidatd financial statements for the period ending on 30.09.2017 of Sirma Group Holding.
Notification about the assigned new LEI code to Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements for the period ending on 30.06.2017 of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of internal information of sale of shares from Sirma Group Holding by Chavdar Dimitrov.
Disclosure of internal information about the decision of the Board of Directors of Sirma Group Holding for participation in the capital increase of its daughter company Sirma Solutions JSC.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements for the period ending on 30.06.2017 of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of presentation with comparison of the results of 7 consecutive years of Sirma Group Holding. This information is also available in the form of a News Letter.
Cut off date /14 days following the GMS/ for owners of shares of Sirma Group Holding who are eligible to receive dividends for 2016.
Disclosure of desision for dividend distribution of Sirma Group Holding.
Annual regular General Meeting of Shareholders for 2017 of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements for the period ending on 31.03.2017 of Sirma Group Holding.
Publication of invitation for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Sirma Group Holding and the necessary documents.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements for the period ending on 31.03.2017 of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of audited annual consolidated financial statements for the period ending on 31.12.2016 of Sirma Group Holding.
25 years since the incorporation of the first company from Sirma Group in the distant 1992.
Disclosure of audited annual individual financial statements for the period ending on 31.12.2016 of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of Strategy Discussions aiming at the update of the Strategy of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of internal information of sale of shares from Sirma Group Holding by Atanas Kiryakov.
Disclosure of interim consolidated financial statements for the period ending on 31.12.2016 of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of the internal information for the registration of Sirma SHA in Albania - a daughter company of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of interim individual financial statements for the period ending on 31.12.2016 of Sirma Group Holding.
Disclosure of internal information for the adopted decision for capital increase of Ontotext JSC- daughter company of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
Disclosure of internal information contract with consultant of Ontotext JSC- daughter company of Sirma Group Holding JSC.
135 "Tsarigradsko Shose" blvd., 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria tel: +359-2-976-8310
202 N 9th St, Suite 201B, Boise, ID 83702, USA Tel: (800) 701-3710 ext. 101
© Sirma Group 2022
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